Be Happy in the present, do the task in hand and tomorrow will take care of itself. I read, heard it sounds so right ..difficult to follow.
I have realized that living in the present is an art, you have practice it to get pro at it. Every day and every minute the mind wanders into the future, thinks about the past, and refuses to live in the present. It is a constant reminder to oneself to keep your mind focused on now. If you look at it, that is what Meditation is all about, concentrating on what you have now.
What are the things you can think of, which could make it possible, I am able to think a few..check if that helps:
Making a list of tasks in hand on a daily basis
Picking a few tasks from the list and trying to complete it during the day- You will have a feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day, and in due course of time it will add value
Taking time off the Social Media and devices and trying to do something which makes you happy- Any hobby or work that inspires you
Creating a fitness Goal and sticking to it- it could be as small as 50 push-ups a day
Spending time with the Family- In today’s world with this is one thing we do the least, we do not spend real time with family, more often than not time with family means sitting with a loved one, while our whole attention is on our devices. We don’t realize what we are missing, the precious time that we are losing is not going to come back, make a genuine attempt to spend time with the family.
As easy as it might sound, it is very difficult to follow ..however, if you practice it and start gaining a grip on it you will feel that your life will change in rewarding ways.